trez-00 - 2N9ZGvhFSEXFUWV55fLNThHVnyFWE3PtnXW

This address was create at 2020-11-25 22:44:10 from my PubKey 02a42eede184bf5c4e3a595235b36a8379f24dda7a08ad9df07cd9376a7258c8 and client PubKey 02ed9c721421b3352c4200a871516d5f51adb837ef0d92eacd59190e9fc99123.

You can check this address with the command

bitcoin-cli addmultisigaddress 2 ["02a42eede184bf5c4e3a595235b36a8379f24dda7a08ad9df07cd9376a7258c8", "02ed9c721421b3352c4200a871516d5f51adb837ef0d92eacd59190e9fc99123"]

where 02a42eede184bf5c4e3a595235b36a8379f24dda7a08ad9df07cd9376a7258c8 is a PubKey associated to my node, 02ed9c721421b3352c4200a871516d5f51adb837ef0d92eacd59190e9fc99123 is the PubKey generated with client node.

You can also import the multisign address 2N9ZGvhFSEXFUWV55fLNThHVnyFWE3PtnXW with the command

bitcoin-cli importaddress 2N9ZGvhFSEXFUWV55fLNThHVnyFWE3PtnXW "" false

Confirmed In mempool
Receiving tx counter 1 0
Spending tx counter 0 0
Receiving tx amount (in sat) 10000 0
Spending tx amount (in sat) 0 0

Send funds to the multisig

If you want you can send funds to the address 2N9ZGvhFSEXFUWV55fLNThHVnyFWE3PtnXW.